We want to strengthen the maritime sector.
The German Maritime Centre was founded in 2017. It is an independent institution based in Hamburg. Our members are the federal government as the main funder, five German states and the major maritime associations.
Our areas of work cover entire value chains in the fields of shipbuilding and marine technology, shipping, and ports and maritime logistics. We draw on the maritime sector’s innovative capacity and on topics of the future such as fossil-free, emissions-free propulsion systems, autonomous shipping, and recruiting young talent, so that the maritime industry can continue to maintain a leading position internationally.
We support the maritime industry by providing information and studies on developments in markets, technologies, laws and policies. At the core of our work are issues relating to designing and implementing research, development and innovation (RD&I) in the maritime sector. We support cooperative approaches to research and development, for instance, by commissioning studies and projects that implement research results, increase knowledge and further develop the technological state of the art in the maritime sector.
We want to
- Promote the perception of the maritime sector as a diverse and future-oriented employer.
- Expand and intensify interdisciplinary exchange within the sector as well as with other branches of industry, but also with politics, science and public authorities nationwide.
- Support the maritime sector at European and international level.
Our priorities include: competitiveness, sustainability and climate change, technological change, demography and attracting young talent.
The purpose of the association is to increase the competitiveness and innovative strength of the entire German maritime location and to strengthen know-how and career prospects in the maritime economy.
This also includes addressing and coordinating cross-cutting maritime issues that require a cross-sectoral approach. The German Maritime Centre sees itself as a point of connection between industry, science and public authorities.
The association receives funding from the budget of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV), from 2018 to the end of 2021 this came from the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). In addition, we receive member contributions. In the first three years, the focus was on building up the personnel and technical infrastructure and defining fields of work. In the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023, we will now devote ourselves to further expansion until the start of operations.
The organs of the association are the General Assembly, the Executive Board and the Advisory Board. The General Assembly is the supreme body of the association. It consists of all members.
Our members are the German federal government, the five federal states and leading large maritime associations. The General Assembly is the supreme body of the association. It convenes at least twice a year. Each member has one vote. Our aim is to attract further associations and federal states as members.
Federal Republic of Germany
State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
State of Lower Saxony
represented by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Building and Digitalisation of Lower Saxony
Land Schleswig-Holstein
represented by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Employment, Technology and Touris
Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Maritime Cluster Northern Germany
German Shipowners’ Association
Association for Shipbuilding and Marine Technology
Central Association of German Seaport Operators
German Shipbrokers’ Association
The Executive Board of the German Maritime Centre consists of five natural persons. Currently, it is composed of representatives of the major maritime associations and two representatives from the federal states. The term of office of all board members is three years. The board meets at least twice a year. Its members work in an unpaid and voluntary capacity.

Dr. Reinhard Lüken
Managing Director
Association for Shipbuilding and Marine Technology (VSM)
E-Mail: Vorstand[at]dmz-maritim.de

Lutz M. Birke
Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer
Head of Port and Innovation
Ministry of Economy and Innovation, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Daniel Hosseus
Board Member
Managing Director
Central Association of German Seaport Operators (ZDS)


Petra Schulz
Board Member
Head of Industry and Maritime Economy
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Building and Digitalisation of Lower Saxony
Advisory Board
The German Maritime Centre has an Advisory Board that supports and advises it by providing specialist and industry knowledge. The Advisory Board consists of up to 24 persons. The members of the Advisory Board are elected for a term of three years by the General Meeting upon nomination by the Executive Board. Members of the Advisory Board serve in a voluntary and unpaid capacity.

Alexander Anders
Managing Director
Association of North German Chambers of Commerce and Industry




Dr. Alexander Geisler
Deputy Chairperson
Managing Director
German Shipbrokers’ Association





Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Krüger
Chairperson of the Executive Board
The German Society for Maritime Technology


Kapt. Wilhelm Mertens
Managing Director
Association of German Captains and Ship’s Officers

Oliver Rolle
Head of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the Federation

