Capt. Runa Jörgens Shipping Phone: +49 40 9999 698 - 71E-Mail: Joergens[at]dmz-maritim.de The German Maritime Centre wishes to announce a competition for outstanding academic maritime teaching. The competition is aimed at students. They are asked to nominate lecturers...
Hanna Hagedorn Social Media for the Maritime Industry Phone: +49 40 9999 698 - 82E-Mail: Hagedorn[at]dmz-maritim.de Whether you’re looking for jobs, products, services and information or interacting with others – digital media is becoming ever more dominant and...
Dr. Regine Klose-Wolf Head of Communications Phone: +49 40 9999 698 - 51E-Mail: Klose-Wolf[at]dmz-maritim.de Capt. Runa Jörgens Head of Issues and Projects/Shipping Phone: +49 40 9999 698 - 71E-Mail: Joergens[at]dmz-maritim.de The aim of the forum is to strengthen and...