The industry-oriented platform Waterborne is based in Brussels. It dedicates itself to the design and implementation of a strategic agenda for research, development and innovation for the European maritime sector. Waterborne organises a continuous dialogue between European stakeholders in the maritime sector, in direct exchange with the institutions of the EU.
The German Maritime Centre’s most important fields of activity are initiating and coordinating research, development and innovation. Being a member of Waterborne enables the German Maritime Centre to establish and expand the scope of its work at the European level: activities include networking, providing technical support in the drafting of relevant funding programmes and making practice-oriented information available to the German maritime sector.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:
Press contact:
Dr. Regine Klose-Wolf
Head of Communications
+49 40 9999 698 -51
+49 1590 189 1929
For more information on Waterborne, please click here (you will be redirected):