In summer 2019, the German Maritime Centre invited tenders for a study on the development of new guidelines on financial incentives for shipping companies for the sustainable modernisation of coasters and inland waterway vessels. The aim is to identify economically and environmentally effective incentives for shipping companies to modernise their ships in a way that protects the climate and the environment.

The study will serve:

  • To support the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) in the preparation of new (from 2021) guidelines to incentivise the sustainable modernisation of inland waterway vessels, as the current funding guidelines expire at the end of 2020 and are not to be extended.
  • The development of funding guidelines for the sustainable modernisation of coastal vessels. For the very first time, a funding programme of this kind is to be set up. The results of the present study, especially the draft guidelines, can serve the BMVI as a basis for funding guidelines.

The study formulates proposals for the promotion of short sea shipping, taking into account previous experience with funding instruments for inland navigation. A draft funding programme was developed within the framework of the study. The experts recommend that:

  • Coasters should be defined by their dimensions. For the purposes of a funding programme, coaster should be understood as vessels with the maximum permissible dimensions for passage through the Kiel Canal.
  • An earmarking period similar to that for inland navigation should be specified. A period of two years is proposed.
  • A value added clause should be inserted to ensure that the added value of the measure is generated within the EU and to prevent investment from being carried out outside the EU.

The study was produced by PLANCO Consulting GmbH. A short summary of the results can be found via the button below.

The complete study (only in German) can be found here.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Press contact:
Dr. Regine Klose-Wolf
Head of Communications
+49 40 9999 698 -51
+49 1590 189 1929